Services Herbal Medicine Acupuncture Tuina Cupping Issues Pain: Headache, shoulder, Back, lower back Pain, Siatic pain, tennis elbow, Knee, ankle pain, hip pain etc.ScoliosisInjury: sports injury, car accident, common injury, etc.Migraine headaches, neuralgia, insomnia, dizzinessTMJ, Trigger fingerpeptic ulcer, chronic diarrhea, constipation, indigestion, gastrointestinal weakness, IBS, etc.Prostatitis, infertility, interstitial cystitis, and nephritis.Irregular menses, ,PMS, menopausal issues, and miscarriage,Sinusitis, cough, asthma, allergies and bronchitis,.Depression and anxiety.Skin allergies, eczema, acne, hair loss.Chronic fatigue, common cold and flu, rehabilitation after stroke,Hepatitis, cirrhosis of the liver,Obesity,Cancer